
The St. Thorlak medal

The popularity of St. Thorlak, patron saint of Iceland, is growing. People ask his intercession and receive answers to prayer. More and more people come to his statue at our Cathedral in Landakot in Reykjavik and light a candle. The Novena (nine-day prayers) is prayed in Catholic churches prior to the feasts of St. Thorlak. These prayers have also spread abroad. The Novena has been translated into French and more translations are being made.

The medal features a picture of a saint with the following inscription: Sancte Thorlace, patronus Islandiæ, ora pro nobis (St. Thorlak, patron saint of Iceland, pray for us). On the other side is a lily symbol that was an ancient symbol of the Skálholt Diocese and is a reference to the Holy Mother of God. The lily symbol is also on the coat of arms of our diocese. The inscription is n. 1133, Episcopus Skalholtensis 1178-1193 (born 1133, Bishop of Skálholt 1178-1193).

Last October, Bishop David offered Pope Francis a copy of the St. Thorlak’s medal. Francis and his entourage expressed their admiration for this initiative.

The medal is made of pure silver and is now available in Reykjavik. Those who are interested can contact the chancery, tel. +354 552 5388, email:

The life of St. Thorlak

Prayer in honor of St. Thorlak, Patron Saint of Iceland

Solemn Feast: July 20

Feast: December 23

St. Thorlac pray for us!

All-powerful, ever-living God, you made Saint Thorlac bishop and leader of your people. May his prayers help us to bring forgiveness and love. May we be inspired by the example of St. Thorlak and proclaim what he believed and put his teaching into action. We ask this in the name of Jesus our Lord.


APPROVED by His Excellency Msgr. David B. Tencer, OFM.Cap., Bishop: Diocese of Reykjavik
Nihil Obstat + Imprimatur: 06 May 2018.


Heavenly Father,
we thank You for the holy life
and example of Saint Thorlac of Iceland.
Inspired at the youngest age to seek wisdom,
he found it in You;
in the psalms and writings of Holy Scripture;
in the virtuous instruction of the priests who fostered him;
and in the majestic natural wonders of his homeland.

Receiving Holy Orders at eighteen,
Thorlac devoted his entire life
to feeding the spiritual and material hunger of his people.
His quiet compassion for the poor and suffering
led him to long hours of prayer on their behalf.
He afforded peasants and penitents
the same dignity he showed chieftains and kings.
May Saint Thorlac help us live and to love,
according to your will.


Saint Thorlac,
quietly humble and pure of heart.
Pray for us!

Saint Thorlac,
mentor in wisdom.
Pray for us!

Saint Thorlac,
gentle pastor.
Pray for us!

Saint Thorlac,
merciful confessor.
Pray for us!

Saint Thorlac,
champion of families and holy matrimony.
Pray for us!

Saint Thorlac,
defender of authentic Catholic living in all states of life.
Pray for us!

Saint Thorlac,
fatherly intercessor.
Pray for us!

Saint Thorlac,
true ambassador for Christ.
Pray for us!

Saint Thorlac,
devoted patron of Iceland.
Pray for us!

Heavenly Father,
we pray that all people in Iceland may be united in Christ
under the patronage of Your holy servant, Saint Thorlac.
May all taste Your unending love and mercy,
and rejoice in Your presence.
Through Christ our Lord.


Say 1 Our Father…

Say 1 Hail Mary…

Say 1 Glory Be…

Day 1:

St. Thorlac, Quietly Humble and Pure of Heart

God our Father,
when holiness and humility seem far from our reach,
may we see through the example of St. Thorlac
that we can achieve these virtues
simply by loving You as we are,
where we are,
and in what we are given.
May we watch quietly, as St. Thorlac did,
to observe and experience Your presence in this very moment,
and in the people before us.
Through Christ, our Lord.


Day 2:

St. Thorlac, Mentor in Wisdom

Heavenly Father,
source of all wisdom and knowledge,
You taught us through Your Son Jesus
that we are to be lights to the world,
that others may see our deeds and give glory to You.
You generously gave wisdom to Your servant, St. Thorlac,
who delighted in bringing Your light to all in his path.
Grant us the grace to share in Your wisdom
with others through mentorship and example.
?Through Christ Our Lord.


Day 3:

St. Thorlac, Gentle Pastor

Almighty God,
St. Thorlac took great care to lead others to You
in ways that were loving and gentle.
He wished for everyone to live harmoniously
according to Your plan,
that where two or more gather in faith,
You become present.
May the pastors of Your Church
follow St. Thorlac’s example in their perseverance,
forbearance and striving for concord.
Help us to hear Your voice through our pastors,
not grieving those set over us
by chasing discord with Your Church and its teaching.
Through Christ, our Lord.


Day 4:

St. Thorlac, Merciful Confessor

God of all mercy,
may our efforts to forgive and forget
be lifted up as penance to help remit the sins of others
and bring them closer to You.
?Help us through the intercession of St. Thorlac
to desire mercy for our neighbors and associates,
particularly those who offend us.
Through Christ, our Lord.


Day 5:

St. Thorlac, Champion of Families and Holy Matrimony

Heavenly Father,
You endowed St. Thorlac with a loving comprehension
of the marital bond
and the fortitude to defend this Sacrament
for the sake of preserving families.
May we have the same courage as St. Thorlac
to help men and women honor one another
and raise children within the blessing of marriage.
Through Christ, our Lord.


Day 6:

St. Thorlac, Defender of Authentic Catholic Living in All States in Life

Almighty God,
we sometimes find ourselves setting different standards
based on different states in life.
Help us to see, as St. Thorlac did,
that we all share the same fundamental vocation:
to love the Lord Our God with all our hearts,
all our souls, all our minds and all our strength;
and to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Through Christ, our Lord.


Day 7:

St. Thorlac, Fatherly Intercessor

Father in Heaven,
we praise You for the life and ministry of Your servant, St. Thorlac,
whose fervent love of You
brought people from all walks of life
to a deeper understanding and appreciation of their faith.
Whether wealthy or poor,
healthy or infirm,
young or old,
those who encountered St. Thorlac
felt personally touched and uplifted
by his desire to share Your treasury with them.

May St. Thorlac see our present needs (especially ______________)
and respond with compassion, assistance and instruction.
May he help us grow closer to God
and find relief from our troubles.
May his wise counsel lead us to the healing
and restoration we need most.

In spiritual partnership with St. Thorlac,
we pray for all who seek his intercession,
particularly for the people of Iceland.
Through Christ, our Lord.


Day 8:

St. Thorlac, True Ambassador for Christ

Heavenly Father,
help us to remember that, as Christians,
we are called to be ambassadors of Your Kingdom among our own friends,
families and municipalities.
Help us to emulate the example of St. Thorlac
in always remembering our allegiance as Your representatives.
Through Christ, our Lord.


Day 9:

St. Thorlac, Devoted Patron of Iceland.

Almighty God, send forth Your Spirit to all who dwell in Iceland.
Lead them with Your light.
Instruct them with Your wisdom.
Remind them always of Your love.
Provide them with abundance in all of their needs
in spirit, mind and body.
May Iceland know the Merciful Love of Jesus Christ
and the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
now and for evermore.
Through Christ, our Lord.


Saint Thorlac,
Pray for Iceland!

Saint Thorlac,
Pray for Us!