The Catholic Church Paper

“Kirkjublaðið” The Catholic Church Paper October & November 2020

Here you can read the latest news from the Reykjavik Diocese:

Catholic Church Paper – Summaries for October-November 2020-Issue

  1. In this issue we tell you about the five years anniversary of the consecration of Bishop David and what has happened in the Diocese in his time here.
  2. The World Youth Day in Iceland was held 19 and 20 September this year. We report that in words and pictures.
  3. The World Mission Sunday is on 18 October. As an example, there is short piece about the work of one missionary priest in Tanzania.
  4. Metod Kozubík has recently been appointed Missionary of Charity by Pope Francis. We reprint the letter of Bishop David where he announces this.
  5. As always, we bring you all the news and announcements from the parishes, and among those is a report on the vows of Maria Marta of the Carmel Convent in Hafnarfjörður.
  6. Finally, we have a report of the consecration of Dr. Erik Varden OSCO as Bishop in the Prelature of Trondheim, Norway.