Christ the King Parish

Christmas & New Year in Reykjavík

Christ the King Cathedral in Reykjavík

Mass Schedule Christmas and New Year 2021-2022

(Subject to possible changes due to Covid-19 restrictions)

Thursday, December 23rd: Feast of St. Thorlak

Mass in Icelandic at 8.00 pm.

Mass in Icelandic at 6.00 pm.

Friday, December 24th: Christmas Eve

Nativity Play & Children´s Mass at 4.30 pm.

Midnight Mass in Icelandic at 12.00 pm.

Saturday, December 25th: Christmas Day

Mass in Polish at 8.30 am.

Festive Mass in Icelandic at 10.30 am.

Mass in Polish at 1.00 pm.

Mass in Polish at 3.00 pm.

Mass in English at 6.00 pm.

Sunday, December 26th: Feast of the Holy Family

Mass in Polish at 8.30 am.

Mass in Icelandic at 10.30 am.

Mass in Polish at 1.00 pm.

Mass in Slovakian at 3.00 pm.

Mass in English at 6.00 pm.

Friday, December 31st: New Year´s Eve

Mass in Icelandic at 8.00 pm.

Mass in Icelandic at 6.00 pm.

Saturday, January 1st: New Year´s Day. Solemn Feast of Mary, Mother of God

Mass in Icelandic at 10.30 am.

Mass in Polish at 1.00 pm.

Mass in English at 6.00 pm.

Sunday, January 2nd :The Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord.

Collection for Children´s Missio

Mass in Polish at 8.30 am.

Mass in Icelandic at 10.30 am.

Mass in Polish at 1.00 pm.

Mass in Polish at 3.00 pm.

Mass in English at 6.00 pm.


Saturdays from 5.10 to 5.50 pm. Also by agreement with the priest.


Thursdays after the evening mass from 6.30 to 7.00 pm and on Fridays from 5.00 to 6.00 pm.

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