Iceland, Reykjavíkurbiskupsdæmi

A National Day of Solidarity for COVID-19

Religious and life-stance organizations in Iceland call for A National Day of Solidarity for COVID-19 on Saturday, June 5th, 2021

Let us on this day, each one according to his/her own tradition and beliefs, keep remembrance of the victims of the pandemic. We are leaves of the same tree. Let us express closeness to the sick and the dying people, provide support and hope to any person suffering from the consequences of the pandemic. Let us offer thanks for the selfless assistance of so many generous helpers in all states of life around the world.

Kirkja Jesú Krists hinna síðari daga heilögu
Bahá’í – samfélagið
Menningarsetur múslima á Íslandi
Búddistasamtökin SGI á Íslandi
Óháði söfnuðurinn
DíaMat – Félag um díalektíska efnishyggju
Rússneska rétttrúnaðarkirkjan
Fjölskyldusamtök Heimsfriðar og Sameiningar
Samfélag Gyðinga á Íslandi
Fríkirkjan í Hafnarfirði
Fríkirkjan í Reykjavík
Stofnun múslima á Íslandi
Söfnuður sjöunda dags aðventista í Reykjavík
Íslenska Kristskirkjan
Kaþólska kirkjan á Íslandi

The Catholic congregation is encouraged to make sacrifices and ask God to put an end to the plague that afflicts mankind. Prayer in the Cathedral of Christ the King in Landakot at 12.00

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